Priston Secret

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Monsters :

[Lvl 1-10] - [Lvl 11-20] - [Lvl 21-30] - [Lvl 31-40] - [Lvl 41-50] - [Lvl 51-60]

[Lvl 61-70] - [Lvl 71-80] - [Lvl 81-90] - [Lvl 91-100] - [Lvl 100-110] - [Boss] - [Special]


Decoys were originally playthings with magical properties but have been turned into monsters through the control of evil powers. They do not have great powers but are less affected by different levels and use their arms for physical attacks. They have no legs and levitate off the ground.

Found In : Ruinen Village, Cursed Land, Dungeon 1

Level : 31
Damage : 23-30
Defense : 120
Absorb : 7
HP value : 280
EXP value : 3,200

Ghouls are brutal monsters that steal body parts from dead bodies. They look similar to zombies but they have their own will and are more powerful.

Found In : Forgotten Land, Dungeon 1, Navisko (at night)
Level : 32
Damage : 22-26
Defense : 160
Absorb : 8
HP value : 410
EXP value : 3,900
Cyclops are one-eyed giant creatures that hate humans that invade their territory. They are rumored to devour any that invaders. Cyclops are one of the monsters that carry a shield and are strong against missile weapons.

Found In : Acasia Forest, Ruinen Village, Cursed Land, Forgotten Land
Level : 33
Damage : 20-29
Defense : 180
Absorb : 8
HP value : 380
EXP value : 3,500
Webs are spider monsters that attack with spiderwebs shot out through their mouth. They can mostly be found in ancient dungeons. Their webs are not that powerful but have a slowing effect.

Found In : Dungeon 1, 2, 3
Level : 34
Damage : 23-33
Defense : 150
Absorb : 12
HP value : 400
EXP value : 3,800
Armored Beetle
Armored Beetles have long lived underground, and are mostly still found there. However, through a mishap during the warp gate construction, some of them were warped onto the desert and have since been found mostly in the desert.

Found In : Forgotten Land
Level : 35
Damage : 26-34
Defense : 190
Absorb : 10
HP value : 420
EXP value : 4,000
They have a similar intelligence to goblins and live in social groups. They live mostly peacefully among themselves without any special dislikes for other creatures. However, any intruders into their territory are met with animosity and are attacked. Their main method of attack is a physical attack using their long arms so one must have strong defenses when taking on a Buma.

Found In : Forgotten Land, Dungeon 1
Level : 36
Damage : 26-36
Defense : 240
Absorb : 9
HP value : 530
EXP value : 4,500
Skeleton Archer
Unlike normal skeletons, they use arrows to attack and show their strength in long-range attacks. However, their short-range attack and defense are weak and they can be taken easily.

Found In : Crused Land, Forgotten Land, Dungeon 1
Level : 37
Damage : 20-28
Defense : 180
Absorb : 7
HP value : 350
EXP value : 4,400
Cypts were originally peaceful, playful creatures but have lost their nature and acquired evil characteristics as a result of being swept up in the war of the gods. They were never powerful creatures and had lived quietly in the forest but after the war, they lost their natural habitat and have since been found in the deserts and ancient dungeons. They have become more powerful and have become a source of threat to warriors.

Found In : Forgotten Land, Forbidden Land , Dungeon 2
Level : 38
Damage : 26-44
Defense : 200
Absorb : 6
HP value : 420
EXP value : 4,300
Bargons were originally stone or rock but have been turned into monsters through a curse. They are large, powerful creatures with powerful weapons. They should not be taken on at lower levels

Found In : Crused Land, Forgotten Land, Oasis, Navisko (at night)
Level : 40
Damage : 32-38
Defense : 180
Absorb : 8
HP value : 480
EXP value : 4,300


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