Very few cases that the difference of altitude in screen by the introduction of 3D concepts, such as flying sky, applied to, was in MUG games until now, because the movable area by user almost constitutes of planes even though the engine of MUG games is 3D.

It goes without saying that there are exceptions, but it’s also meaningless if the view is parallel again.
‘EVERQUEST’ (produced by Sony USA), even the best existing online game based on 3D, can’t make use of 3D power enough. But on the other hand ‘PRISTON TALE’ improves the competitiveness by the introduction of real 3D concept.

It means the concept of ‘PRISTON TALE’ is the higher-level than the others, and gamers can experience more realistic & multi-dimensional game which couldn’t before.


PristonTale - Full 3D - Action - Handiness


Full 3D









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